Parents' Participation

In order to provide adequately for all children and for the overall welfare of the center the parents’ involvement is of paramount importance. Therefore the management of Kiddies Head Start Inc. will strive to:

· Encourage parents and staff to co-operate whenever possible to satisfy the needs of the children.

· Maintain good liaison between parents and staff.

· Encourage & enrich parents’ personal growth and development.

· Encourage parents/guardians to devote some of their spare time to participate in on-going activities organized by the center especially fundraising.

· Encourage parents to serve as Board Members.

· Provide parents/guardians with information on early childhood education/development.

· Ensure that parents/guardians are at all times aware of activities of the center so they are in a better position to assist in the development of their child.

· Both parents and staff are encouraged to solicit donations to support the programme.

· Parents are encouraged to attend monthly parent meetings and a parent’s conference once a year.

· Parent and teachers Meetings are scheduled twice a year to discuss their children’s progress and performance.

· Parents are encouraged to visit the classroom and do storytelling or discuss their profession with their child’s class.