What does your Child's Behaviours Mean?

Crying can mean many things. It is normal and natural for a child to cry when you leave. He may be sad or he may be mad- more than likely, he will be both. A child who screams hysterically, cannot be comforted and isn’t interested in the activities around him, may not be ready for school or daycare.

A child who doesn’t cry may also be having a difficult time adjusting. Some children show their distress at school in other ways- picking at the buttons or clothing, excessive thumb sucking and hair twirling, constantly holding genitals, becoming frozen in one spot, refusing to talk, withdrawing into a corner, even falling asleep. You may see signs at home that indicate a struggle with separation- wetting the bed, wanting diapers after being toilet trained or a bottle after weaning, aggression, rebellion attempts to control everyone else or giving you the “cold shoulder.”