Physical Skills Development

Opportunities exist for each child to develop physical skills appropriate for the age group through structured and unstructured play.

Indoor fine motor

Activities are used to develop fine motor co-ordination as each child learns how to scribble, thread beads, stack blocks, build puzzles, match shapes and use play dough. They will be provided with a number of other activities that will require hand-eye co-ordination.


Out door gross motor

To develop gross motor co-ordination, each child will be given space and materials to climb, skip, throw and catch a ball, jump, balance and run. This level and type of activity will allow most of the large muscles to be excercised and development and skill will be enhanced.


Creative Artistic Experiences

Each child is provided with varied opportunities and experiences for creative expression through art, music and movement, drama and scenery awareness.


Field trip

Field trips are regularly scheduled to enhance other programmes. Parents are given adequate notice when these occur. Parents are always encouraged to participate in these activities by their suggestions and volunteering of their time.
